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Welcome to
Gb brass

Passion - Research - Experience

Some of my works

Anticatura sax Tenori R&C
Dettagli anticature Sax
Satinatura e argentatura
Saldatura ad argento chiave sol#
Trigger Flicorno Yamaha 6
Riparazione Bozza Corno Yamaha
Incordatura tromba Egger
Dettagli incordatura
Revisione Basso Jupiter
Anticatura Tromba Conn
Modifica su anello La clarinetto
Revisione Tromba B&S
Trombe Italiane da Restaurare
Recupero bozze su tromba
Revisione Sax Alto semicurvo R&C
Revisione Schagerl Ganschhorn
Finitura personalizzata Tromba B&S
Incordatura personalizzata Tromba Egger
Yamaha Custom Trigger
Tromba Adler TARV
Campana Charles Mahillon
Argentatura Terza pompa Prima - Dopo
Canna d'imboccatura Adler TARV
Tromba bassa Rampone e Cazzani.jpg
Soprano King
Sax Tenore esploso

Competence, great dedication, precision, these are some of the most important qualities of the very talented Giorgio who, with his in-depth knowledge of the mechanics of wind instruments and his cordial availability, manages to solve problems with great accuracy and timeliness. I am very satisfied with the work done on my clarinet and I believe it is an excellent reference for band realities. Trustworthy person, very honest even in prices!! Highly recommended!!

Sarah Caruso

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